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Skin Biology Needs New Testimonials Login/Join
posted 21 November 2013 09:23 AMHide Post
If every woman new about Skin Biology the expensive creams and potions found at department store cosmetic counters would be a thing of the past. My skin glows and I am approaching my 57th birthday. I don't need to wear any foundation. The amazing thing is that these products are affordable. Thanks Dr. Pickart. I have been using your products for over 5 years.
Posts: 1 | Location: AZ | Registered: 21 November 2013Report This Post
Picture of Skin Biology
posted 21 November 2013 03:52 PMHide Post
Originally posted by clamjac:
If every woman new about Skin Biology the expensive creams and potions found at department store cosmetic counters would be a thing of the past. My skin glows and I am approaching my 57th birthday. I don't need to wear any foundation. The amazing thing is that these products are affordable. Thanks Dr. Pickart. I have been using your products for over 5 years.

Dear clamjac:

What a beautiful testimonial!! We will be sure to pass this on to Dr. Pickart.

We are privileged to bring these products to the masses who appreciate them and we're happy to be able to offer such a wide selection of products that fit almost any budget.

If you ever need personalized care or specific instructions/help to boost your results, feel free to contact us at 1-800-405-1912.

Great to have you with us!

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
Posts: 4865 | Location: Skin Biology in Bellevue, Washington - USA | Registered: 22 June 2004Report This Post
posted 21 November 2013 09:44 PMHide Post
I so agree with you Clamjac. I am 49 and have been using Srcp's for about 7 months; the difference Dr Pickarts products have made to my skin is nothing short of exceptional. My skin was aging as is typical at my age and the only way I can describe it Now is that, since I started using them, I am increasing in age yet Im looking younger. The only regret I have is wishing I had discovered Skinbiology years ago.
Thanx Dr Pickart for all your hard work and enabling us to reap the benefits of it !!!
Posts: 27 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 05 June 2013Report This Post
Picture of Skin Biology
posted 22 November 2013 01:38 PMHide Post
Dear polly:

Beautifully stated!

We appreciate your contribution to our forum here. It really helps clients (especially those new to copper-peptides) to continue with their regimen and don't give up.

It can take a little bit of time for the results to start showing, but so many have commented the exact same way: "If only I had known about these products before!" Well, we're so happy to have you with us now.


Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
Posts: 4865 | Location: Skin Biology in Bellevue, Washington - USA | Registered: 22 June 2004Report This Post
posted 12 December 2013 01:27 PMHide Post
My new cosmetician today told me she has never seen any woman aged as me (49) with such a bautiful skin, so lightly, so smooth, so unwrinkled.
I told her I have been using skinbio for nearly 8 years, together with retin a in the night 3x week.
So satisfied! Love
Thank you so much dr. pickart and skinbio equipe Thumbs UP!
Posts: 112 | Location: Gioia del Colle (bari)-Italy | Registered: 12 March 2006Report This Post
posted 11 February 2014 12:46 PMHide Post
I didn't really want to include the quote from the original message, I just wanted to post my testimonial, so I hope that I am doing this right.

I have searched for years for products that REALLY work, products that are scientifically proven to work and have not spent tons of money on products that were hype. I have used Cellex-C fairly religiously since I was about 28; I am 47 now (VERY fair skinned and I have tried to stay out of the sun since around that time - some sun damage but was never one to stand just laying out in the sun for hours like some of my friends). My skin looks good and I look younger than my age but I felt like the vitamin C wasn't giving me the boost I needed (I also have been using Retin-A on and off for 10 years). Still started to see things I didn't like; sagging at mouth and jaw line; sudden rings around the neck. I knew copper peptides were supposed to be right up there with vitamin C and I have used Loreal Skin Firming, which I felt gave somewhat of a boost, but in December of 2012 I was on a mission of taking a full-on effort and approach that didn't include Botox or fillers (yes, I have used both though probably was pre-mature and didn't need to do it - HATED the ugly, long-term bruising from fillers under the eyes). I asked for a REAL microdermabrasion system for Christmas. My husband bought it for me and I began using Procytes copper peptides and another cu-peptide product I purchased off Amazon.

Have to say - did lots and lots of research and somebody, not saying they were trolls but will say I STRONGLY suspect they MUST have been, posted some horrific experiences with some of these copper peptide products, all of them, even the Loreal ones. I must say, I am so pleased with all of the Skin Biology products! I have REAL results - yes, it takes time and I am MORE than happy to confirm these statements, the products at Skin Biology, and I have pretty much tried them all in the past year, are FANTASTIC - WONDERFUL! Now, don't get me wrong, it does take time, as you will see from what I said above and from other posters, but I am truly pleased and impressed! I HIGHLY, HIGHLY reoommend that if you are looking at these products do before and after pictures. I certainly wish I had! I am one year in and will continue on. ONE NOTE: not sure how much difference this made, but about three months in I started using a needle roller (1.0 off Amazon, about $12 usd (I have great skin, no prior scarring or imperfection marks, just dynamic wrinkles and some sagging as mentioned) about once a week and I DEFINITELY KNOW I see improvement and will be continuing my regime.

What they say on this formum is true; every skin type is different and no one regime is good for all. I have what I consider healthy, hardy skin, but even I have had to play around with the different products - BUT they DO work.

Good luck! Happy to respond and help if I can!


This message has been edited. Last edited by: SkinBiologyWebmaster, 07 April 2015 02:56 PM
Posts: 1 | Location: Alabama | Registered: 14 May 2013Report This Post
Picture of Skin Biology
posted 12 February 2014 04:33 PMHide Post
Dear Pandora:

Thank you for your lovely testimonial!

We are happy to hear that you've had such fantastic success with the products.

Please continue to keep in touch.

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
Posts: 4865 | Location: Skin Biology in Bellevue, Washington - USA | Registered: 22 June 2004Report This Post
posted 02 September 2014 10:29 AMHide Post
My dear friend Gloria started me on these wonderful products 2-3 years ago, and I am ever so thankful! My favorite product is the LacSal, and notice it immediately if I don't use it for even two nights in a row-it's a must for me! My skin texture is amazing - probably better than when I was 30, 10 years ago!
Posts: 2 | Location: Mid-west | Registered: 02 September 2014Report This Post
posted 02 September 2014 10:39 AMHide Post
Gloria recently started me on the Two Timing Tightener 2 x and Skin Signals - within less than a week I noticed significant reduction in laxity - thanks, Gloria!
Posts: 2 | Location: Mid-west | Registered: 02 September 2014Report This Post
Picture of Skin Biology
posted 03 September 2014 02:53 PMHide Post
Dear Sunshine:

Thanks for posting your feedback - It has been amazing to hear from clients who are continuing to see such dramatic results even after years of use!

You'll be happy to know that we've added another tool to our anti-aging arsenal: Skin Biology Microdermabrasion Cloths

Especially for skin laxity, effective exfoliation is vital. These beauty cloths allow for enhanced removal of dead skin cells which is essential to see better results with copper peptides.

Please continue to keep in touch with your specific regimen (morning and evening) - We'd love to have you post exactly what you did to achieve such wonderful results in record time.

Thanks for sharing!

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
Posts: 4865 | Location: Skin Biology in Bellevue, Washington - USA | Registered: 22 June 2004Report This Post
posted 24 January 2015 08:20 PMHide Post
My boyfriend has the most beautiful skin. It is really amazing. I had no idea that he used products until a few months ago when I mentioned I thought my own skin looked awful--lines from out of nowhere, dull, age spots. It's been only in the last year where it has begun to age so obviously. Not good. He said, "You have to get this stuff from Skin Biology. I've been using it for years!" He showed me a bottle of copper peptide serum and LacSal. I ordered them both. I have used them religiously for the last four months and and have seen such a difference. For the first time in MY LIFE, friends have noticed a difference in my skin. in MY LIFE, folks. (Sorry for all the capitals, but I am truly that excited.) "What are you doing to your skin? What are you using? I have to get some!"

No kidding. No exaggeration. These are amazing products. You will see a difference. It's a good value, too. It's taken me three months to use both bottles. That's really good, right?
Posts: 1 | Location: Northern California | Registered: 24 January 2015Report This Post
Picture of Skin Biology
posted 26 January 2015 01:05 PMHide Post
Dear sharmie:

Thanks for sharing! And please thank your boyfriend for the referral!

We cannot tell you how many times the best advertising for our products has been our wonderful clients and the visible changes in their skin motivating others to ask, "What are you using that makes your skin so gorgeous?!"

From fine lines and wrinkles to age spots and blemishes, our advanced copper peptides combined with the use of our effective hydroxy acids (or microdermabrasion cloth) are producing results.

Please keep in touch and feel free to pass on tips and suggestions!

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
Posts: 4865 | Location: Skin Biology in Bellevue, Washington - USA | Registered: 22 June 2004Report This Post
posted 23 May 2016 09:43 PMHide Post
I would suggest you make your forum apparent on your home page. It is difficult to find and most people do not know there is a forum. I found it by accident looking at the site map.
I think you would get a better response if the forum was apparent.
I have been using your products for over five years. They have done wonders for my aging skin and I do provide links on other beauty forums to your website.
Again, please make your forum easier to find.
Posts: 6 | Location: Sarasota, Florida | Registered: 03 October 2014Report This Post
Picture of Skin Biology
posted 24 May 2016 03:12 PMHide Post
Dear Jane-Sarasota:

Thanks! We will take your feedback into account (currently we are working on re-vamping our entire drop down menu online).

We will definitely make it much easier to find.

Right now it's on all of the Skin Biology web pages right on the top menu bar under "Ask Our Clients" --- But going back to having it just say, "CHAT FORUM" might be a much better option.

Thanks so much!

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
Posts: 4865 | Location: Skin Biology in Bellevue, Washington - USA | Registered: 22 June 2004Report This Post
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