Anyone else taking this much copper?

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08 July 2008, 09:33 AM
Anyone else taking this much copper?
I take up to 6 mg. daily, not including whatever I get in my food.

First of all, my multi is vitacost's NSI Synergy Once Daily, and it has 1 mg. copper, and then I take Solgar Chelated Copper which is 2.5 mg. I take one in a.m., one in p.m.

I just wonder how much of a role this is playing in my skin remodeling and if anyone else is taking high amounts. I take other supplements too.
08 July 2008, 09:59 PM
Dr. Pickart
Many researcher's who study copper take 4 mg daily.

The World Health Organizations says 10 mg daily is OK.
08 July 2008, 10:10 PM
How much are you taking, Dr. Pickart?
08 July 2008, 10:31 PM
Dr. Pickart
4 mgs Monday through Friday, then skip the weekend.
09 July 2008, 06:19 AM

You are going to start looking like "Napoleon" himself....
09 July 2008, 06:09 PM
I think I will drop down to 3.5 mg. That's 1 mg in my multi and then will split the 2.5 mg and take half in the a.m and half in p.m.
09 July 2008, 06:11 PM
Dr. Pickart, I am just curious and I hope it doesn't offend you, but I have wanted to ask you this for a while - what products do you use? I mean, what is your routine like for your skin?

And your age (or an age range if you don't want to say)? Sorry if that is rude to ask, I just had to ask though! Embarrased
10 July 2008, 09:20 AM
Dr. Pickart
I take a lot of supplements but I don't have a list with me. A lot!

I will be 70 this month. People don't believe my age when I tell them.
10 July 2008, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by Dr. Pickart:
I take a lot of supplements but I don't have a list with me. A lot!

I will be 70 this month. People don't believe my age when I tell them.

Let me just ask you about your "Diet" Dr. Pickart...

...Has that played any role for you in your "fountain of youth"?

...just curious... Embarrased
10 July 2008, 10:16 AM
Dr. Pickart
My Diet

Breakfast - Yogurt with Probiotic Bacteria, coffee with 1% fat milk

Plus Costco multivitamin, acetyl carnithine, alpha lipoic acid, choline inositol, CoQ10, vinpocetine, chelated copper, green tea extract, SAM-e - wash down capsules with pomegranate juice

Lunch - A sandwich and some fruit (blueberries, cherries, grapes, etc)

Dinner - Wine, salad or vegetable, usually some seafood or meat, occasional bread. A lot of French and Italian food.

Plus Resveratrol, bentoiamine, calcium + magnesium, Blueberry plus pomegranate extract, DHEA, vitamin D, glucosamine, MSM, salmon oil, borage oil - wash down capsules with orange juice

I have genetically low HDL and take anti-lipidemic agents. My last total cholesterol was 116.

I probably don't need all the supplements and urge everyone to take supplements with caution. But every scientist that I know who studies aging also takes many supplements.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Dr. Pickart,
10 July 2008, 10:38 AM
Good Boy Dr. Pickart,

I'm glad to see you are eating your fruits & veggies along with your probiotics... can't eat too many berries, unless your allergic of course...

Green tea is another all time winner... Thumbs UP!

I just need to work on you with the "French" & "Italian" Bread...I do have some great recipes for my classic "Sour Dough" Whole Grain varieties...

Other than that, you seem to be ont the right track... Bravo!

...and you are right, it is important for "most" to take their supplements daily, but cautiously...
10 July 2008, 11:26 AM
stoney did say "French & Italian Food"...

I can still give you some of my "Whole Grain" Bread recipes...

and "WOW" 116 total got me beat there...mine is in the High 150's, but I do have an "Excellent Ratio"...that is the most important!
10 July 2008, 12:05 PM
Dr. Pickart
Yes, I spent many years in San Francisco and still love sourdough bread.
10 July 2008, 01:00 PM
By the way Dr. Pickart...this may be a "stupid" question, but "Do you personally use your SRCPs on your face, in what must be your "Maintenance" Phase???

You already exposed your "diet" & some of your "many" supplements, now I'm sure others maybe interested too! Smiler
10 July 2008, 01:22 PM
Dr. Pickart
Yes, but I use SRCPs (Usually Trireduction Cream) two to three nights weekly, then use LacSal Cream two or three times weekly on alternate nights.
10 July 2008, 01:56 PM
Oh....The "true secret" ...& now I know why! Wink
10 July 2008, 06:04 PM
Thanks Dr. Pickart! That will give me some more to think on for a while... It's good to know what you are using for yourself.
13 July 2008, 08:37 PM
Hi Dr. Pickart:

Can you explain why you use the Trireduction cream? I have used the CP serum in the past. Now using super CP serum with some supercop worked into the scar areas.

I have always been confused about the other products and when one would want to use them. What does trireduction cream do for you? (BTW I also use Retin A a few nights each week and not sure if that makes a difference as I think some of your products contain Retinol).

Thank you. You do not look 70 in your picture assuming it is a more recent one. Good for you!
13 July 2008, 09:08 PM
Dr. Pickart
Trireduction is strong and easier to use than Super Cop.

The Supers are stronger and do more, but I don't need much help.

That picture is a few years old but I don't look much different. People don't believe my age when I tell then. My wife uses the SRCPs and people don't believe her age either.
16 July 2008, 11:51 AM
Hello Dr.Pickart,
thank you for sharing with us. I also take many vitamins, and would take even more if I weren't afraid to destroy my stomach and digestive system...What do you think about it? Does consuming a lot of vitamins do any harm to the stomach?
thank you!