P&R Body Lotion Scent difference between Basic & Pheromone ONLY

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20 September 2010, 01:51 PM
P&R Body Lotion Scent difference between Basic & Pheromone ONLY
Hi everyone,

I hope someone could help me out for the P&R Body Lotion Scent for Basic & Pheromone ONLY...

Totally different/very similar/the same/or else...?

Thank you very much! Smiler
20 September 2010, 03:10 PM
Skin Biology
Dear nanakomaki:

The P&R Body Lotion Basic is unscented. It is a copper-peptide lotion for the entire body. It has a natural scent of the copper-peptides.

Whereas the P&R Body Lotion with Pheromone Only contains plant pheromone SB74 and it does have a perceptible scent.

• If you're looking for an unscented body lotion, choose BASIC from the options toggle menu.
• If you're looking for scented body lotion that works well for men or women and has a clean/light fragrance, choose PHERMONE ONLY from the options toggle menu.

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
20 September 2010, 04:02 PM
Thank you very much for the info!
21 December 2010, 07:50 PM
summer rose
I just purchased Pheromone only..but the scent is very strong.. my husband runs from me a laughs! He seems to dislike it very much. However my dogs seems to cling to me...and I have been getting more looks from strangers..(this is after the smell subsides).

This has been my first full day of using it...can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.
22 December 2010, 02:07 PM
Skin Biology
Dear summer rose:

Thanks for posting your honest feedback - How do you personally like the fragrance?

The trick with the scented Body Lotions is an extremely light application (it still will effectively moisturize the skin when applied lightly). And you may want to apply it lower on the body, rather than higher. This way the fragrance won't seem so strong.

Perhaps you've already sampled it, but we'd love to hear your feedback after using one of our Romantic Perfume Oils - free with any purchase for a limited time...

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
22 December 2010, 08:18 PM
summer rose
SB team...

I think less well tempered customers would feel that the product is very much scented. Something about the label.."pheromone" only..leads one to believe the lotion would be fragrance free. Ok?

I don't love the smell..but like the idea of copper peptides improving my body skin and pheromones to attract friendliness. I do see you have an oil..and I wonder if it smells also.

Don't know if it is possible..but a fragrance free copper peptide pheromone lotion would be wonderful.
Thank you,

Summer R.
22 December 2010, 09:00 PM
Dr. Pickart
All scented oils are "fragrances" by the federal regulation definitions. We must use their categories.

The basic Body Lotion lotion has the least smell.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Skin Biology,
11 June 2011, 10:55 AM
Am I the only one who enjoys the P&R body lotion scent on the forum? My friends all love it (male and female) and I do not find it overpowering. My fragrance preference is the ylang or pheromone only but jasmine is mild and great and the lavender is relaxing. The smells tend to fade a bit as they mix with your own natural scents. You can always try the 3-scent combination and choose 3 different ones and see which you like best BEFORE putting an order in on the lotion. Pheromones ARE smells so of course there must be something. They aren't actually "undetectable" as some people seem to think. It's just a very natural biological process required in attraction (love is chemistry!) and utilized to select genetic ideals in partners by your body. There's just no little signal that makes you think "Oh wow I'm smelling pheromones!" If you like the results but not the scent, mix in a hint of something you do like...just keep those alcohols off your skin (and the many other antagonizing ingredients found in plenty of perfumes) as much as possible if you do need added notes.
13 June 2011, 04:44 PM
Skin Biology
Originally posted by celiavalerie:
If you like the results but not the scent, mix in a hint of something you do like...just keep those alcohols off your skin (and the many other antagonizing ingredients found in plenty of perfumes) as much as possible if you do need added notes.

Dear celiavalerie:

What a great suggestion!

Others have found that the P&R Body Lotions work as great "layering scents" meaning that for example you can use the Pheromone Only body lotion and then layer on top your favorite fragrance of your choosing.

If you haven't found the right scent for you, this may be the perfect way to achieve it!

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
25 June 2011, 12:03 PM
Thanks SB Smiler I have found that by layering both the romantic scent (for male attraction)with my choice of pheromone fragrance (pheromone only and ylang being my favorite, but Jasmine and Lavender are nice for relaxation after using the P.O PR body and letting them all mix and settle for a while the scent will seem undetectable to me, but everyone around me loves it. I am getting my first bottle of Calypso's Oil (ylang) soon and see how that goes. Remember all that your first layer of fragrance always seems to dissolve within 10-15 minutes as it mixes with your own scent (pheromone-enhanced or not). I am not very big into "perfumey" smells and prefer my perfumes smell like a fresh shower to at the very most a muskier, sexier scent. A little goes such a long way with most perfumes. Also, RUB IN THE OILS! The sprays are indeed body oils so maybe people are not getting the same impact by simply pressure point sprays? Some perfume tips I've learned in the industry are never to rub points together (no wrist mashing) so perhaps after massaging in some of the SB fragrances people can add notes more effectively by just single-spraying areas (each wrist, behind each knee, chest, neck, and torso to name some). I'm VERY sensitive to perfume (no one likes walking through a cloud that reeks of even Chanel No. 5 right?) and I find that these methods are enough to be effective but not overpowering. If you're not sure your fragrances are still working, ask a friend/close coworker/family member. They'll pick up on it more than you.
28 June 2011, 04:05 PM
Skin Biology
Dear celiavalerie:


Everyone should massage in the Calypso's Oils (and Body Perfumes for that matter also) - They are wonderful!

Plus if it is not rubbed/massaged into the skin, overuse can cause it to get on your clothes...

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
21 August 2011, 07:18 AM
I am currently using the calypso oil with jasmine and it is giving me a headache, any suggestions/ thanks, any suggestions will be helpful
21 August 2011, 02:18 PM
Dr. Pickart
Try using much less of the oil. The Jasmine is at a fairly high level.
16 April 2013, 11:30 PM
I use the P&R body lotion with Pheromone-only scent. I do find the scent too strong when I apply it, but the fragrance does dissipate after a while and the pheromones are relaxing. I usually apply it to my legs and abdomen (where I need the firming effect), and apply another body lotion elsewhere so the scent is not too overpowering. As mentioned by someone else I would love a milder-scented version of the pheromone-only that I could use all over Thumbs UP!