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Hi I just used a glycolic scurb 14% and then washed and dried my face. Then I applied 10% Salycilic acid. As soon as I applied, my face was on fire.I jumped under a cold shower and rinsed it off for good 5 mins. I must have left it on for less than 1 min. Let dry, did not put anything for 10 mins. Then applied Skin Signal 10 drops with 2 drops of Super cop and 10 drops water...Emu oil. I dont get any irritation with the SS and SuperC My question is..after I washed the 10% Sa off. My NL line area and the area around the corner of my mouth look flaming red and as if they are going to get pigmentation.... Please tell me I have not screwed my own face and this wont cause pigmentation?? I am going nuts freaking out now. | |||
oh n forgot to mention,I did frost around the area that has gone red.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Piginmud, | ||||
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Dear Piginmud, It sounds like you should not use the glycolic scrub and the peel together. The scrub in itself is very "exfoliating", or, it has already in essence peeled the skin with the particles in the product. For now, follow the Post Proceedure Regime. A very light coating of Super GHK Serum or CP Serum followed by Emu Oil S for Skin . This will help calm the irritation and improve skin rejuvenation. With the CP's the skin that rejuvenates will be healthy. This will help prevent blemishes and the appearance of hyper/hypo pigmentation. Please let us know how you do. Best Wishes ~The SkinBio TeamThis message has been edited. Last edited by: Skin Biology, | |||
LOL. Its all good. One thing I have learned the body is amazing at repairing itself and Skin Biology can quickly resolve most of our errors. Back in late August easily my worst error ever since starting Skin Biology. Way overdid with a Micro Cloth on one temple region. My eye almost was swelled shut. A big chunk of skin about an inch by 1/2 inch just disconnected and was literally a flap of skin hanging from the face. Even with that damage it completely got better although it took a few months but no trace of my stupidity remains. May be a Aspirin allergy just in case nix the sal and go with lactic. Frosting is often normal for Sal. Also Sal is like 4-5 times stronger then lactic or glycolic. A 10% Sal is like a 40-50% Glycolic/lactic. Let the area rest from all acids including the Glycolic Scrub for about a month. Damage should be gone well before the month is up but the skin will probably be sensitive to acids beyond that period.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Skin Biology, | ||||
Thanks so much SkinBioteam and Maxxc. I woke up to an OLD looking face. My NL area and around the mouth look ANCIENT. Its not dark brown or anything but tad bit discoloured from the rest of the face. OMG what have I done!!! Thanks for the reassuring words Maxxc, WOW your experience was one helluva one. Now I have hope I will get better. ![]() Now I know what Uglies mean though. How long will I look this old!! Yep Max I'll lay off all acids for a while. But what do I use to exfoliate this skin after a few days? Would Lacsal or 10 be ok? or would that irritate the skin? Btw I only have SS and Super CPserum atm.I dont feel any irritation with these products. Hope they are ok to use. The next lot I have ordered should be here in a few days. xoxoThis message has been edited. Last edited by: Skin Biology, | ||||
yuck just had a shower, so looked at fresh washed face... Redness in the area is all gone but it looks 2 shades darker than my skin colour. Thus makes the nl lines more obvious and the corner of my mouth area looks pigmented and weird. What are the chances that I have caused pigmentation? or is it normal to get discoloured initially and it fades off? Why oh why did I do this to myself ![]() Edited to ask : I am using Skin signal serum and super cp serum on the discoloured areas. Should I instead use just Super cop 2x extra strength on the discoloured areas? Sorry for so many Questions, as am new to this.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Piginmud, | ||||
I did the Super CP's heavily twice per day when I first started and woke up to have my grandfather facing me in the mirror. Normally when the uglies strike I just stop all CP's for 2 or 3 days. Some just back off and they resolve but that never works for me. In your case though with the recent set back I would continue with CP's till it is resolved. If you have a serum dilute it. If not a CP cream very lightly. Only apply the CP's to the area effected. Rest the areas not effected. Trust me I have experienced similar situations overdoing more times then I can count. Feel like I've painted myself into a corner with no way out. Almost everyone posting has experienced similar situations over and over. In few weeks this will be a non issue. | ||||
MaxxC THANK YOU SO MUCH A For this... Really appreciate it... I'll take it easy for a while... geez I aint ever doing strong acids on my face ever... as its only pores that I need to address... and I'll stick with exfol or lacsal in the future. Just gonna be patient and hope this darkness around mouth goes away. Thanks a million Maxxc for your time and insight. | ||||
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Piginmud, Your skin will probably look worse for a few days. The red areas will turn brownish & you will look like a 100 yr old person... ![]() ![]() Lightly apply CP Serum & emu oil and you will be good to go. My very 1st strong peel was done by a derm (30% glycolic) & the same thing happened to me. This was years before I ever started using CPs. He fried my chin & mouth area, but good!... so much for a professional, right? I used polysporin to keep it moist & it resolved itself in a few days. My next peel, he only used 10% on that area until I gradually built-up to 50% allover. Like Maxx mentioned, 10% SA is much stronger than 10% lactic or glycolic, more like 30 or 40% - so the percentages can be deceiving. | |||
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Piginmud, If you don't have any CP Serum you can dilute the Super CP Serum and the Skin Signals Solution 50/50 with water. Only use 1 of them with the Emu Oil for Skin and like Maxx and Stoney said, it will get better. Just baby it until the damaged layer from your peel is gone. I too have burned the tissue around my mouth and on NL lines. Improved beautifully and the lines look better too! Keep Smiling ~The SkinBio TeamThis message has been edited. Last edited by: Skin Biology, | |||
Piginmud I really don't know what you are working on. But SBT makes a really good point. Stoney and I also do the same to bring our skin a little closer to perfection. That being control damage. Some times not so control ![]() Piginmud what are your working on?This message has been edited. Last edited by: Skin Biology, | ||||
Thanks So Much MaxxC, Stoney and SBT. I am 34 and working on just improving the texture of my skin. I do have good skin, where people actually always compliment how flawless it is. But thats cause they dont look upclose. I have open pores thanks to being a smoker. But I am Pedantic of taking vitamins and my beauty treatments 2 times a month. So skin is pretty good. The only thing that bothers me now is few open pores on cheeks and some faint lines around the eyes - upper and lower. This burn was really not needed as my skin was'nt needing such drastic change. I dont even have NL lines or atleast they were not there till this burn happened and now I can see the god damn line ![]() Stoney you are spot on, the skin was ready to peel today. And being a makeup artist I have to be so close to models that today I layered foundation over the burnt areas. I never wear so much foundation!!! ARGH lol... anyhow it started CRACKING big time and you could see it looking ugly with all that foundation on and I LIKE A FOOL peeled it. Now I am red Again in those areas and dont know if I am going to cause Discolouration due to that???!!! I beg to God and hope not. If It does I have actually taken my good skin backwards. I used CPS today but decided that I am not going to use Cps for aday or 2 and then restart em. That is ok right? OR should I still use it in spite of the NL lines and area around mouth being raw and red? Thanks to me peeling it, it burns if I even but moisturiser on it. I am using topical calming lotions now but I have jobs tomo and day after and dont know how I am going to get through looking like this. I just told my clients what happened and laughed it off. But its embarrassing facing people like this. ![]() | ||||
Sbt am a little confused. Do you mean that for now I should use 50/50 of Supre Cp Serum and SS with few drops of water on the skin and then after it's better, only use 1 of them on the skin? Ty ![]() | ||||
ok jus had a shower and now all the skin has peeled off... but hte skin under neath is still red and angry and turning brownish.... am i getting pigmented?? ![]() | ||||
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Hi Piginmud, I meant that while your skin seems to be rejuvenating, you should only use the Super CP Serum and dilute it with water. Place 2 - 3 drops of the Super CP Serum into the palm of your hand and then add 2-3 drops of water to it. Then apply lightly with your finger tips. Then follow with the Emu Oil. Please try not to be discouraged. You are still in the rejuvenation stage. It is not time to be alarmed. Try and keep smiling... ~The SkinBio TeamThis message has been edited. Last edited by: Skin Biology, | |||
Dear SBT, MaxxC, Stoney, thank you so much for all your help. Its been 5 days now and yesterday all the scabs came off. I used neosporin in the scabbed area to improve it faster too. Yesterday I also applied SuperCx2? on the scabbed area. Felt nothing. So all good ![]() My question is: The NL area is still pinky in colour, very faint, it almost looks my own skin colour now. But the rest of the face where it did not scab, I can see is sill flakey. Can I use Exfol or Lacsal or Lacsal0 on the rest of the face ? Which would be the best option? without causing scabbing again? Thanking you.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Skin Biology, | ||||
NO leave it alone. I have tried to "nudge" the removal of scabs, crusty skin, flakes etc. Hot showers, mild acids and even shaving them. Those methods will remove them but bam! Next day (or sooner) more often then not. They rescab, reflake etc and your back to square one. Continue to baby the skin. Think of it this way. The skin is recovering from acid damage. Would adding more acids help it recover faster. See what I mean ![]() | ||||
Makes Perfect sense. Thank a million Maxxc. ![]() | ||||
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