Seasonal Allergies

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24 April 2005, 10:56 AM
Seasonal Allergies
Does anyone else out there suffer this time of year with allergies? I'm taking Aerius and am even doubling up the dose and still have the watery, itchy eyes and stuffed up head. I was told I could go to a naturopath to be "desensitized". Anyone have any opinions on that or any other suggestions for relief? It's going to be a long spring for me if I have to go through this for the next 3 months. Frowner

24 April 2005, 12:18 PM
I get springtime allergies from tree pollens, but over the last few years my allergies have gotten better. Although I still notice them, they don't bother me much anymore. I never took much medication for them when they were worse, I just suffered through them, but I know that's pretty much impossible for those who's allergies are worse than mine ever were.

A song don't have much meaning when it don't have nothin' to say, what she could do was magic son, all I could do was play. -- Harry Chapin
25 April 2005, 04:00 PM
Fellow allergy sufferer here *raises hand*. It is so ironic too because I'm a major outdoor person! As I think you are too if I remember right (endurance horse training right?) I wait and wait all winter just to get outside more but I have the worst allergies ever. I don't know what *desensitizing* is but I would do it in a minute if it would work on my hypersensitive histamine system!

I've tried all the meds available (here in the US) and I'm currently using zyrtec and singulair. I take zyrtec at night and singulair in the morning. I also use a nasal spray (flonase, nasalcourt... etc) and zatidor eye drops in the mornings. Even using all this medication there are days when nothing helps. I have doubled up on my meds in the past too but I asked my pharmacist and he said that adding more to the bloodstream won't help if the ititial dose isn't effective. The zatidor is wonderful for itchy eyes though so I would recommend that one (I have really bad itchy eyes).

I will say that I'm doing better on the average day using this aggressive counterattack on my histamines. I have gotten a few steriod shots in the summers but they don't seem to do a darn thing so I won't get them anymore. I've tried using lots of local honey. I've been to allergists but they only tell me to stay inside and don't open windows all season ( Roll Eyeslike that's ever going to happen!).

So... as you can see I'm worthless for non pharmacuetical suggestions. My medicine overkill is working pretty well this year but I really wish I didn't need so much just to keep my system at bay. Good luck. Let me know if you learn more about *desensitizing*

25 April 2005, 08:18 PM
Thanks Ducky. I'll be calling the naturopath and let you know how it goes.

27 April 2005, 01:16 AM
Hi Kathy C,

I used to be miserable all the time, but sometimes I would just flare up. My eyes were the WORST and would tear constantly and be itchy and feel dry.

I used to take nasal cortisone spray and tons of either benadryl or zyrtec. I had eye drops but they didn't seem to help. I personally thought benadryl worked better (even for the eyes!) and the generic brands are really cheap. But I'm sure you've tried all this stuff!

Anyhoo, seems my allergies were more food intolerances and a poorly functional anti-inflammatory system, so I don't really have them anymore, but I still do flare up once in a while, like when we moved from the mid west to the southwest. Maybe different stuff in the air??

When we fist moved, I was totally miserable, couldn't breathe, eyes bothered me, but I didn't want to take drugs, so I got myself some homeopathic medicines. Hylands Sinus works pretty well for congestion, but I've found Eupphasia 30x is really great for the runny, itchy eyes. For a while I took it every single day, but I don't seem to need too, anymore. Even taking echinacea in large doses seems to help.

Quercetin is supposed to be helpful for histamine levels, but I don't know if it actually works.

One thing that sounded REALLY promising is the use of enzymes. The makers of Candizyme (can't remember the name but if you look for Candizyme, you will find the company) also make a product which is specific to digesting proteins. Apparently, allergic responses are to the foreign proteins in our body. If you take enzymes with food, they will digest the food, but if you take them on empty stomachs, they go into your bloodstream. (This is how the anti-inflammatory enzymes like bromalin work.)

Anyhoo, you are supposed to take these enzymes on an empty stomach and they "digest" or break up the proteins in your blood to get rid of it and thus the body stops attacking it. I don't think this is snake oil stuff; I believe this is based on real science, but please someone inform me if I'm wrong! Smiler

I used Candizyme for yeast overgrowth (I was on tons of antibiotics for many years for breakouts) and it worked very well (this formula is enzymes which specifically digest the yeast cells), so I trust the company. Unfortunately, I've never had to use their allergy product, but it may be worth a shot.

I think they sell it or Both allow returns if you are not satisfied.

One final thing might be something like Isocort (can be found online). It is an adrenal cortex extract that is almost standardized to 2.5 mg cortisol per pellet. FYI, 20 mg is a PHYSIOLOGICAL dose, not the scary doses that cause all those problems you may have heard of and that prednison is infamous for. Perhaps 1 or 2 pellets a day would give you the anti-inflammatory boost you need?


P.S. I'm curious what the natropath says!

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27 April 2005, 09:13 AM
Thanks so much Kathleen! I'm going to the Naturopath on Tuesday, May 3/05. They told me on the phone that once they ascertain what I am sensitive to, they can desensitize me. I asked what that meant and they said they would give me drops to take on a daily basis. I guess I'll find out more when I get there. If all this doesn't help, then I'll start looking at the avenues you have suggested. I'll let you know how it goes! Thanks again!

KathyC Smiler
27 April 2005, 06:17 PM
KathyC and other allergy sufferers, sorry to hear about your miseries. Please post back if the desentisization (can't spell it) works for you.

I used to have bad allergic reactions all year-round, different symptoms for each season - various skin rashes, asthma, red itchy eyes with the veins popping out, etc. Nasty people in college have even asked if I am a drug-user and teased me about it. At one point, I wish I had just said yes so they won't bother me anymore. Frowner

Then, I moved around in different states for the past 7 years because of my job. Each area offers different triggers, so I have to learn new allergy management strategy every time I relocated. What I found consitently was that humid areas with extreme temperatures don't work for me. So I resigned from my job, packed my bags and moved to the drier climate. Things became better, I haven't used any meds for the past year, however, I do keep an anthihistamine and albuterol handy just in case. I would have been without meds for 2 1/2 years straigth if not for the tropical island vacation last year. My doctor agrees that I finally found my niche in the Southwest. Smiler

While relocating is a bit extreme solution for other people, it helped me a lot. This is just to share my experience. Big Grin Not to be taken as an expert advice (tee-hee) Wink

I hope you find a solution to your discomforts, too.

03 May 2005, 08:36 AM
Kathleen, I'm going to the Naturopath today for testing and they are going to apparently "desensitize me". This should be interesting. I'll let you know how it goes!

KathyC Smiler
04 May 2005, 12:45 PM
Yes, please let me know!
04 May 2005, 03:25 PM
Hi Kathleen, well it was interesting. I have been put on a "bowel cleansing diet" because of the various foods I am sensitive to. As far as the grass and pollen testings (for seasonal allergies) I came up negative on them! Too weird. I am apparently very sensitive to moulds, which she said can be stirred up in the ground this time of year) and dust mites. Also, horses..... LOL! Anyway, I'm on a special diet for a couple of weeks - we'll see if it helps my rash! I emailed more details to Deb and if you want I could do the same rather than boring everyone here with it!

KathyC Smiler
05 May 2005, 01:58 PM
Zuzu's Petals
Please, KathyC, post the details of your diet. I have many sensitivities and would love to see what it entails. I'm always looking to "calm" my skin.


On ne voit pas qu'avec le coeur
05 May 2005, 07:11 PM
Lol, feel free to email me details.

Of interest perhaps it that all my "allergies" were more food intolerances. Of course, the allergists wouldn't believe me and I didn't test "allergic" to anything. I just know when I stopped most dairy and wheat products, they miraculously cleared up about 90%.

When we moved from Michigan to New Mexico, something set me off, though, and I couldn't breathe for a couple weeks! Not sure as it wasn't diet related, but a ton of homeopathics and some Benadryl got me through it.

I still use Hyland's Sinus every morning. I swear by that stuff.

10 May 2005, 08:54 AM
Hi Zuzu and Kathleen, Sorry to take so long to respond. Here is the basic diet which I have been on for a week (well, pretty much on lol):

Basic Protocol - 8-10 glasses of water.
Citrigen before meals and acidophilus after twice a day.
Only fresh/frozen fruits and vegies with no sweeteners.
No beef or pork, but all other meat and fish is ok.
3-4 eggs a week.
No dairy, except butter.
Whole grains (avoid white flour).
Nuts and seeds (except peanuts and pistachios - and obviously in my case only, no nuts that I will die if I eat!).
Legumes (except canned).
Beverages (water, non-caffinated unsweetened teas are ok). No coffee, alcoholic and fermented beverages, and no canned or frozen drinks with contain citric acid.
No sweets.
No bakers and brewer's yeast (including bread, crackers, pretzels). Only baking powder biscuits, rice cakes and other yeast free products (comment from me, GROSS!)
Use olive oil or grape seed oil. Canola oil is discouraged.
Avoid vinegar, fermented products, mushrooms, malt products, packaged and processed foods. Be aware of supplements that contain sugar and/or yeast.

I am cheating a bit, but not bad. I've mainly been keeping the diary and gluten almost completely out of my diet, and eating plenty of fish, eggs, vegies, fruit and almonds. I haven't totally quit coffee or wine! One cup of each per day!

I was never much of a water drinker and am drinking between 1 - 2 litres now.

I guess we'll see how I test out after this on the 16th! Eeker


P.S. I have kept my appointment with the allergenist in August to see how it compares. I can't understand why the naturopath did not pick up my known allergens (all nuts except peanuts and almonds, grasses, pollens, etc).
31 May 2005, 06:35 PM
Zuzu's Petals
Believe it or not, I just found your reply,KathyC. Thank you very much for posting your new diet. Can you let us know how you feel after a while on the diet? Have you noticed any changes yet?

I must admit, it would be hard for me to give up splenda. I'm sure it's the worst thing for me Eeker but I just don't enjoy unsweetened tea.I use brewers' yeast, too (as a supplement) though giving up brewers' yeast wouldn't be much of a sacrifice for me (I don't like the taste.) BREAD would be really tough for me!

Good luck with your diet.


On ne voit pas qu'avec le coeur
31 May 2005, 08:21 PM
Hi, when I went back for my follow up appointment, it was found that my reaction to gluten was not as extreme (perhaps because I had avoided it for two weeks). Dairy was still a killer for me (even though I avoided it as well) and it was ascertained that I must avoid cheese (except white cheese which I love) and milk products pretty much totally. I can have bread a couple of times a week. I did notice my respiratory tract seemed to settle down somewhat (I am off the allergy medication now but that could be weather related). I also noticed an annoying rash looked a great deal better at the end of my two week cleansing diet. I have been bad the past couple of weeks since my appointment and interestingly enough my rash has flared up. There could be something to this! Time to smarten up again! Back to the salmon, vegies...... sigh......

Kathy Smiler
01 June 2005, 08:15 AM
Forgive my ignorance, but what, pray tell is that? Confused LOL!