Chat room

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06 November 2013, 11:23 AM
Chat room
Dear SkinBiology staff,

I would absolutely LOVE to come to this website and be able to chat in a chat room. I feel that a chat room on the Skin Biology website would be so helpful to many of us that visit here for many reasons.

Personally, when I began using Skin Biology products, I was on the forum every day seeking advice. I remember sitting in suspense on the edge of my seat waiting for responses, checking the forum periodically.

I also come to the Skin Biolology website during desperate times when I'm having skin issues, or just wanting to get in touch with fellow Skin Biology users, without having to wait hours or days to read their replies.

Please consider a chat room for the website.

Thank you!
06 November 2013, 02:31 PM
Skin Biology
Dear pinkdervish:

We will look into the capability of a chat room through our current online community and get back to you on whether or not we can add this in to our current online message board.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
06 November 2013, 03:49 PM
Personally, I prefer the present system because what are written in the forum remain for a long time so that we can come and read (back) as many times as needed without haste, but with a chat room, it may be fun but what is discussed there cannot be shared with other people who was not there.

I think this forum is the best way for people who live in a place with time difference.
06 November 2013, 04:27 PM
Skin Biology
Good point Nathalie.

It is nice to be able to do a search on a certain topic and read past posts and replies. Perhaps we can integrate a little bit of both.

We'll see how much interest is generated about this.

We thank you both for being such great participants on our forum though!

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
08 November 2013, 12:25 PM
I agree with you... the posts are here indefinitely, unless they are removed from the web manager, and are useful to everyone.

However, for those of us that have been through some rough times with skin issues, and need some immediate encouragement, advice, or whatever from fellow forum members, it would be SO helpful to have a chat room, in addition to the forum.

Its helpful to call Skin Biology staff for information, but sometimes getting into contact almost instantly with those who have had similar experiences and can offer help on another level would also be nice.

Originally posted by Nathalie:
Personally, I prefer the present system because what are written in the forum remain for a long time so that we can come and read (back) as many times as needed without haste, but with a chat room, it may be fun but what is discussed there cannot be shared with other people who was not there.

I think this forum is the best way for people who live in a place with time difference.

05 August 2014, 10:53 AM
I think a chat room would be very useful. It would bring an added dimension of instant feedback between members and also the SkinBio team.
07 August 2014, 01:36 PM
Skin Biology
How many others would be interested in participating in a chat room setting and logging on to discuss different topics in real time?

We'll try again to see how much interest we have in this.

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
25 September 2014, 12:51 PM
Have you had anymore interest expressed for a chat room, Skin Biology? I think it would be great!
29 September 2014, 01:52 PM
Skin Biology
Sorry jet302, we haven't as yet.

It's coming up on nearly a year since pinkdervish threw it out there - But we've only had a couple people respond.

We did research the costs involved to add it as a feature, but we're also taking into consideration the fact that we have so many different time zones that it's difficult to say how many would be able to actually support it.

We haven't heard back from many on this feature.

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology
01 October 2014, 10:22 AM
Sorry to hear that. Frowner I think it would be a great addition to the website, but the costs involved are a major consideration. Thanks for your reply.