trc biotechnology

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21 February 2007, 10:52 AM
trc biotechnology
I emailed you regarding this company but have not had a response.

I'm trying to track down which of my orders originally came from this supplier, which i'm told is not approved by you. Are you able to track products by their lot number?

I made an order with you back in May 2005. Can you confirm if these items came from that order:

TriReduction Basic P&R Lot412
Exfol Cream lot10-463A
Super CP Serum lot5-471
Super CP X2 lot9-447

The following item I know came from trc biotechnology, and it has mould in the bottom, indicating it maybe contaminated, can you tell me from the lot number who it was supplied to:
Exfol Serum lot11-517 Pkg1/06

Many Thanks
23 February 2007, 04:25 PM
Dr. Pickart
The products are from Skin Biology but one client in London who visited TRC said they were poorly stored.

If some products were damaged or moldy, send an email to Tell them the problem and that I approved sending you free replacements.
24 February 2007, 10:03 AM
Dr Pickard,
Thanks for your offer, can you elaberate, whats the story with this company, did they ever have a trade account with you?
25 February 2007, 03:16 PM
Dr. Pickart
TRC was buying products from Skin Biology but failed to pay for about $20,000 in product.

We also had many complaints about them from clients.

TRC has now been dissolved.
27 February 2007, 04:51 PM
Dr Pickart

Understandably You must be quite angry. I actually live just outside London, so was familiar with their address. In future I'll be buying direct from you. Obviously i'm concerned that anything ive acquired from this company could be unfit for use, or may have been tampered with. Can you tell me the nature of the complaints youve had from other clients?
08 March 2007, 12:02 PM
Dr. Pickart
Some did say they had problems with the products and felt they were not from us or had been changed.