CPs & AFAs

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19 October 2007, 12:33 PM
CPs & AFAs
In my many wanderings on skin care sites, I have recently discovered AFAs, amino acid products as opposed to glycolic acid products.

They are advertised as being less irritating, and superior at retaining moisture in the skin leading to swifter results than glycolic products.

What is the general opinion about their use, especially with CPs.

20 October 2007, 09:17 AM
Hello Arya -

I have to honest in saying that I don't know what the general opinion is on AFA's as they are quite new. I haven't seen any type of study as to their efficacy, and so can make no comment - very interesting, though! As far as being compatable with SRCPs - I can't imagine any problem as AFA's are amino acids which are a natural part of all of us, as are copper peptides products. I would use the same caution with AFAs as I would with AHA's, and that is to leave at least 30 minutes between the application of AFAs and SRCPs. I have asked Dr. Pickart for his opinion on these, and will
let you know when I hear back. Thanks for the interesting question!

Doreen Babiuk
Skin Biology Canada
20 October 2007, 10:32 AM
Thanks Doreen. I've posted the same question essentially on the US forum site, with a few additions to it. Of course I meant to say AHAs, not just glycolic acids. Yes, it's important to respect appropriate wait times.

Atho' I'm scarcely ofey about anything relating to skin care science, it seems unusual to me that AFAs were so late in coming to the attention of scientists. The information I found was on these sites: & Don't like the fact that the moisturizer in the line contains SLS - ugh!

Looking forward to any replies.
21 October 2007, 02:56 PM
Dr. Pickart
I am still looking for some real published studies on AFAs in dermatology journals.
09 November 2007, 06:02 AM
Guess I can conclude that Dr. Pickart has found nothing on AFAs.

The material I've seen on it says AFAs have a patent which to my mind would mean supporting studies were submitted. Is this an incorrect assumption? Or are the studies just not published?

09 November 2007, 03:54 PM
Hi Arya -

Any one can file a patent - it can be just an 'idea' and doesn't even have to be 'do-able', really. The patent office doesn't check out whether or not ideas work - just whether they more-or-less make sense and that someone else hasn't filed for the same patent idea first. Dr.
Pickart has a a significant number of patents filed but has acted on the ideas by producing Skin Biology Products. Perhaps he will 'drop by' and add some comments to mine? :-)

Skin Biology Canada
10 November 2007, 05:31 AM
I see - that clears up the patent issue.
