sagging chin

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23 December 2010, 12:09 PM
sagging chin
Is there anything that could tighten up sagging skin under the chin other than plastic surgery.
23 December 2010, 12:18 PM
LacSal cream or serum, whichever CP product you use, and some of the exercises from FlexEffect that strengthen that muscle have helped me quite a bit.
23 December 2010, 01:05 PM
Dr. Pickart
Skin Signals Solution worked best on skin tightening.

You could combine this with a facial exercise system.
23 December 2010, 07:00 PM
Exactly Skin Signals and exercise. Neck muscles in general are much larger then those of the face so they usually will build faster.

There are no real bones on the front and sides of the neck to atrophy like on the face, so I would think it easier to build a younger looking neck then face.
24 December 2010, 02:03 AM
Diane AMrie:

I don't have a sagging chin or neck yet; I am doing exercises to prevent it. I found these on youtube. If you do them correctly you really feel the neck and area under the chin working.

Some of these in addition to the skin signals and the hydroxy acids should help you.