27 March 2011, 04:16 PM
ErikaPermanent makeup for scar concealment
Hi, I think this might be off topic and not sure where to post it, but has anyone considered or had permanent makeup done, specifically lip related? It's something I was thinking of investigating but haven't done anything about yet. Thanks.
28 March 2011, 06:04 AM
stoneyErika, This is Patrice's dept. Perhaps she will respond. You may want to PM her a pic so she can get a better idea of your dilemma.
28 March 2011, 03:49 PM
MaxxCErica the lady who did my "professional"

needling, does scar camouflage as her primary vocation. I have to say the before and after pictures were amazing.
So yes, it can really make a big difference. I would also encourage you to PM Patrice for her input.
28 March 2011, 07:33 PM
You can also look at the threads on this in our forum, lots to learn from that.
Patrice pointed me too an expert eyeline permanent make up person. I spoke with them this past weekend and the pictures are great. You need to see pictures.
What is your goal? Color, fullness, unevenness?
I've been looking into a super thin, nearly invisible eyeliner 'tatoo'. Started to after Dr P didn't seem to have issues with the iron oxide tatoos. (Patrice gave me a name).
But I found that they do it right in the lash line to look natural (makes sense) and am concerned as to whether the needle could damage hair follicles and prevent new growth there. e.g.lashes fall out as they cycle and then they puncture that area. May be good for collagen, but not sure re lashes.
The lip pictures I saw looked too much like make-up to me, but maybe that can be managed.
I wanted it to look like no eye makeup. I am lucky enough to have thick long black eyelashes (think CPs helped a touch there, though they were pretty darn good before). But when I go out, that's the one thing I put on for sure, very very thin smudged eyeliner.
28 March 2011, 07:46 PM
ErikaHi, my scar is above my lip and into my lip - my cupid's bow is gone on one side but the only option I have been given is fillers. I was supposed to go for a consultation tomorrow to see if anything could be done but I cancelled. I am too nervous to do anything right now. I don't know if it would solve the problem - it was just a thought. I had needling done last year and I think it may have left some scarring so now I am afraid that perhaps my upper lip area is too fragile.
28 March 2011, 09:30 PM
oskyzHi Erika,
Ah, I guess Maxx remembered something I didn't.
For that I saw one on softaps (website name, go to consumers, then photo gallery then lips, where they outlined the cupids bow very naturally (no scar, but still, was very subtle). I just thought the permanent red lip colors would look odd at bedtime, etc...
I am so sorry that needling for that scar left more scarring, that is just terrible.
It does seem like permanent make up could be a great solution. But I understand your caution. Now it makes me think twice about permanent eyeliner for yet another reason.
Do you use those all day lipsticks now and do they help?
29 March 2011, 09:19 AM
ErikaHi, I do use those all day lipsticks by Covergirl and they are better for this situation than regular lipstick. I still have to fill in part of the cupid's bow with lipliner though. I've tried all different ways of doing it but am never really happy. I've tried following the higher side and extending the lipline on the scarred side with liner and thus concealing part of the scar and also tried following the lower side and touching up the entire scar above the lip with Covermark. Don't know which is better and neither really makes me happy. Now that a lot of the scar is hypopigmented, even the all day lipsticks don't really cover it entirely - you can still see a whitish color through the lipstick and/or sometimes you can see the nick. Because I am not a young chickie I am concerned that as my lipline continues to recede, it might not be the right thing to do to do anything permanent. I've heard of a kool-aid effect above the lip as the color fades. Makes me nervous. In addition, I am so picky that I am afraid that I won't be happy. I have found out even by using makeup on my scar that what looks good in one light does not look good in another so something permanent seems very risky.