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06 June 2010, 11:22 AM
Sacred Scar
How often should i use acids? i'm gonna use strong acid.

thank you
06 June 2010, 12:17 PM
What are you working on? Scars I would guess by the user name.

You'll have to find your own balance between diminishing the appearance of blemishes with the Acids while allowing the CP's to slowly rejuvenate the skin.

What worked for me was a schedule of every two weeks. Might be as soon as every 10 days or might be as long as 21, you'll have to see what works for you.

Start mild with something along the lines of 35% Glycolic, 40% Lactic or 10% Salicylic for about 5 minutes then work your way up from there in Acid Strength and length of peel. Sal seems to work the best for me when it comes to reducing the appearance of scars but everyone is different so you'll have to experiment. Plus is dosen't hurt to rotate Acids.

Your in the Northern Hemisphere so with the Summer UV's you'll have to make sure to protect the skin at all times. It usually takes about 14 days for the Skin to return to normal Sun Sensitivity after the "lunch time" peels I listed, so you will be using Strong Sunblock for the whole Summer.

BW MaxxC

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07 June 2010, 07:47 AM
Sacred Scar
Actually it's for the wrinkles. I'll use salicylic 20% as the mild acids don't work.
I guess I should not apply it everyday. am I right?
08 June 2010, 03:37 PM
Sacred Scar
Can some1 pls help?
08 June 2010, 03:49 PM
I got some strong glycolic acid and the sheets were recommending once a week, always on the same day so that you leave 7 days in between each peel

Life is too short to remove USB safely!
08 June 2010, 03:50 PM
Dr. Pickart
It is always best to start with the weaker acids. Then if they are not strong enough, then cautiously move up to string acids.
09 June 2010, 09:01 AM
I'm sorry if this question has been asked before but I can't find the answer. I am doing a peel at a clinic on Friday, it is PCA skin's sensi peel for the lateral side of my face. Key Ingredients:

Lactic Acid
Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA)
Kojic Acid

Also at the same time doing a deep pore treatment in my T zone with their detox pore treatment. Key Ingredients:

Hydrogen Peroxide
Glycolic Acid
Lactic Acid
Salicylic Acid

I know I can start using CP the same day or even within 2 hours after the peel if my face is not irritated but when should I use my Exfol or Lacsal again? TIA!
09 June 2010, 09:10 AM
Sea2sky, I read on these forums as well as googling for scientific evidence that Kojic Acid has some level of toxicity

Life is too short to remove USB safely!
09 June 2010, 10:18 AM
Oh wow, thanks for that Rossana! I will ask her if we can just omit the kojic acid component to the peel. Thanks again!
09 June 2010, 10:34 AM
I initially read it in here in the section "Products we do not recommend".

I was checking out a dermatology clinic close to my house and saw a vid of them explaining they were using that acid too, so I got curious and searched on the forums and googled.

Well I suppose the evidence now is still a bit blurred but I would not take the risk. That same dermatology clinic near me was also bragging about the benefits of Hyaluronic Acid. So that means that despite you pay quite a bit and you have doctors there, it does not really necessarily mean they have your long term health in their best interest. I think their goals are the short terms effects, so that you go back to them and they can get your money. I immediately canceled that clinic from any place where I would go because I instinctively felt I could not trust them.. (not saying the clinic you booked is not reliable of course! Just I think it is good not to fully trust any doctors without first checking around for real evidence).

The other ingredients in that peel that you listed sound ok to me. It will be pretty strong I guess with all those acids put together.

Life is too short to remove USB safely!
09 June 2010, 11:06 AM
Hi Sea2sky,

Thank you for your post. As, Rossana points out, you will need to use caution with this type of peel. I can see that you saw her post and researched the kojic acid. Wonderful!

Since you are getting a deep peel in your doctor's office. You will not want to use any type of exfoliant whether it be LacSal or Exfol for at least 2 weeks after your skin is completely healthy. Please keep us posted on your progress.

Best Wishes
~The SkinBio Team

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09 June 2010, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by MaxxC:
Start mild with something along the lines of 35% Glycolic, 40% Lactic or 10% Salicylic for about 5 minutes then work your way up from there in Acid Strength and length of peel.

I really don't think 40% lactic acid is mild, I would recommend 20% to start with. Also 5 mins is a long time for a first application. Best is to start with 1min and work up from that.
09 June 2010, 01:12 PM
Sacred Scar
Can stress or anxiety cause wrinkles?
09 June 2010, 02:16 PM
I just spoke with my skin clinic and she said that the product is premixed by PCA skin so she can't omit the kojic acid part. We will just go with the HP, GA, LA, SA mix for the whole face. I hope this works for the large pores on my oily T zone. Fingers crossed.

SkinBioTeam, would you still consider the above as a deep peel therefore still same rule applies of not using Exfol or Lacsal for 2 weeks post peel? TIA!
10 June 2010, 05:39 PM
Can stress or anxiety cause wrinkles?

Absolutely. Dr. Pickart has spoke about this. They say the stress of being president ages one 10 years during the 4 years they are in office.

Check out posts about DHEA supplements during times of stress.

BW Maxx