skincare question

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07 October 2010, 09:56 PM
skincare question
I don't quite know how to describe my concern - hope somebody knows what I am talking about. I have pores with waxy plugs (some have described as a"cheese-like" consistency). they are whitish in color. I only have them on my nose, not on the rest of my face.

I have been using SB products for about a month now on my face and body with great results. Perhaps I need to wait a bit longer for these plugs to go away? In the past I have squeezed them to keep the pores clear but then I am left with a large pore.

any suggestions would be helpful.

08 October 2010, 03:15 PM
Dr. Pickart
Try cleansing daily with a 2% salicylic acid pad. Then follow this with light amount of Exfol Serum and leave on. The Exfol is mild and will soften the waxes so they can be more easily removed.

Also, pore cleansing strips are helpful in cleaning plugged pores.