lip moisture

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07 December 2010, 03:03 PM
lip moisture
Any suggestions for the lips? Something other than chapstick.
07 December 2010, 05:40 PM
Copper peptide products P&R with High Retinol or Trireduction. Retinol increases skin oils. These will help remodel the skin on the lips and provide moisture.

Just for Moisture/ chapped lips. Einstein Lip Therapy, a little expensive. Bepanthen a British Baby bottom ointment. Can be used in conjunction with the Copper Peptide products. Just make sure to put on the Copper Peptide products first. Can be had on Amazon or ebay.
08 December 2010, 03:08 PM
Skin Biology
Dear healthy1:

As Max mentioned, most clients have found a little bit of TriReduction Cream, sometimes followed by a drop of Emu Oil, works well to repair chapped lips and keep them moisturized for many hours.

Best Wishes,
-Skin Biology