Topicals and Long Hair

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05 November 2009, 03:12 PM
Topicals and Long Hair
Dear Dr.Pickart

I have very long hair, applying topical on my hair is a real mess. If i use my fingers to massage my scalp i see that lot of the topical get into the hair.

Lately i started applying the minox droper close to my scalp and after i drop the lotion i "massage" it with the top of the doper. I see less topical on the hair but don't know if is the right way to apply alochol/ppg based topical's or hair signals. Will the topical will penetrate into the skin using this method?? Or using the fingers it's a must
06 November 2009, 02:22 PM
Skin Biology
Dear Dimitar:

Thank you for posting your question. You can definitely use a dropper if this makes it easier for you to get the majority of the product on the actual scalp.

What many clients with long hair do is they part the hair into sections (i.e. 6-8 sections) and apply the copper-peptide product directly onto the scalp with a clean index finger or dropper.

If you have long hair, it is especially important to use a minimal amount of the product so that it doesn't end up mainly just getting on the hair.

Then gently massage into the scalp. If the correct amount is used, a very light amount, you shouldn't have any problems with too much of it getting on your hair.

Best Wishes,
-Skin Bio Team